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The African Private Security Governance Observatory (Observatory) held its Annual Conference from 8th to 9th October 2018 at the Golden Tulip Westlands Hotel, in Nairobi, Kenya under the theme: “Promoting oversight and accountability of the private security sector in Africa.” The conference was hosted by the Usalama Reforms Forum, a local partner member of the Observatory, and coordinated by the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF).

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The ACCA convened its 4th General Assembly (GA), which took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 10 to 11 October 2018. The theme for this year's ACCA GA was Free, Prior and Informed Consent. The GA was guided by community narratives. The keynote address was delivered by Ms Raya Ahmed from Save Lamu Community and Ms Hannah Owusu-Koratgeng from Wassa Association of Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM) respectively.
The ACCA released its press statement based on this year's ACCA GA, which may be found here.

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It gives the ACCA Secretariat great pleasure to address the ACCA community a few days before the 2018 ACCA General Assembly (GA), which will be taking place in Nairobi Kenya. This edition of the ACCA Quarterly Newsletter includes a sneak-peek into what participants can expect from both the side events, and capacity building sessions taking place at this year’s GA, including a participant's thoughts on the 2017 ACCA GA..

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Following the in-person SC members meeting that took place earlier this year, the SC members decided that the theme for this year’s General Assembly (GA) will be Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). The ACCA is pleased to collaborate with its partner organisation, KeNRA in organising this important event on the ACCA calendar.

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We are delighted that several ACCA member organisations participated in the 2017 annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva. During the Forum, ACCA member organisations and friends of ACCA convened, and released the following statement with their reflections and call for action:

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Warm greetings to the ACCA community. The ACCA year got off to a quick start with the 2nd ACCA in-person SC meeting which took place in Abuja, Nigeria from 11-13 January. An article on this meeting is featured in this edition of the ACCA newsletter.

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Call for applications: external research consultant - access to remedy

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It is a pleasure to write to the members of the African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA), at the start of what promises to be a busy and productive year for ACCA. While we have a number of key events to come, the first quarter of 2016 has gotten off to a good start for the ACCA, with several events and important meetings taking place across the continent and elsewhere already.

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Prior to the ACCA Steering Committee (SC) meeting, the ACCA SC members had brainstorming sessions on how best to drive the Coalition forward. Using these sessions as a backdrop, it was decided to kick-start this ambitious project by hosting the first-ever ACCA SC in-person meeting. Planning for the meeting began in January of this year which led to the convening of ACCA SC Members in Nairobi, Kenya, from 15 – 16 February 2016.

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This year brought some interesting developments for ACCA. As the Coalition’s first full-time coordinator, I quickly realised that I had big shoes to fill. The support from our colleagues both on the African continent and abroad is most promising, and interest in our work is steadily increasing. Indeed, the ACCA has the potential to become a truly continental coalition working towards corporate accountability in African, and an influential voice in the international arena.

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Several members of the African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA) have been involved in discussions around a treaty on business and human rights, as introduced by UN Human Rights Council resolution 26/9.

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Since my years as an undergraduate university student in the field of International Relations and French, I have always dreamt of working in the field of international development in Africa. Working for the ACCA has provided me with the necessary opportunity to transform this dream into reality.

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In late September, almost 60 participants coming from 19 African countries representing 45 civil society member organizations, funders and friends of the African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA) met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the Second Meeting of the ACCA. We are delighted to share with you the full report of that meeting.

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The African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (the ACCA) is delighted to be holding its second meeting next week in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 18 to 20 September.

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In response to interest from ACCA member organizations, Global Rights is co-hosting a practical training session on “What to do when project impacts are in dispute? Seeking solutions through participatory monitoring and joint fact-finding with companies, communities, CSOs, and government.” This is a side event of the African Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights on September 16 from 9:30 to 1 pm.

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In an op-ed this week, John Ruggie, a Harvard professor and influential leader on issues related to business and human rights, identified the importance of the open letter written by members of the Global Rights-sponsored African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA).

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John G. Ruggie has come out in support of the ACCA, writing in a letter to Global Rights:

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The first African regional civil society convening on human rights and business concluded with the launch of a new African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA). The meeting was held in late November 2013 in Accra, Ghana and hosted by Global Rights: Partners for Justice, with participants from civil society organizations from Sub-Saharan Africa. The ACCA members came together in solidarity to address similar, corporate-related human rights harms they face in their work supporting African communities and individuals who are impacted daily by the work of corporations, both multi-national and domestic.