Global Energy Finance Tracker Report
4th Session of the IGWG (October 2018)
2018 ACCA GA (October 2018)
Day 1
Welcome address (Dr Michel Yoboue)
Keynote address (Ms Raya Ahmed)
Keynote address (Ms Hannah Owusu-Koratgeng)
Global peer learning session, Oxfam
The informed component of FPIC - BHRRC
The right to say no - WoMIN
Water documentation exercise - NMAP and Witness
The presentation is available on request
Day 2
ILO: Inclusive growth and development: aligning practices in the private sector with the 2030 development agenda (May 2018)
6th annual UN Forum on Business and human rights (2017)
ACCA session: 'An African perspective to access to remedy – Regional challenges and needs’
ACCA General Assembly
2017 ACCA General Assembly report
Presentations: 4th ACCA GA (2017)
Day 1 (14 November):
Welcome note by the ACCA co-Chairperson: Michel Yoboue
ACCA presentation - Caleb Wanga
Private Security Observatory Promoting good private security governance in Africa
Observatoire de la société civile sur la gouvernance des ESP
OEARSE Présentation DCAF_Freddy Kasongo
Challenges and Developments of Private Security Governance
Day 2 (15 November):
Day 3 (16 November)
ACCA Annual activity report (2016-2017)
ACCA Financial report (2016-2017)
Consultation session access to remedy
ACCA report on the 3rd Annual national conference on economic, social and cultural rights. Theme: business and human rights in Uganda: "Accountability vs social responsibility for corporate abuses."
ACCA presentation on NAPS at 3rd Annual national conference on economic, social and cultural rights (Flaviana Charles) [2016]
Download the presentation in PDF
3rd ACCA General Assembly
1st ACCA SC meeting
2nd ACCA General Assembly (2014)
Accra Meeting (launch of the ACCA) [2013]
ABA Rule of Law Initiative
Mining & Communities: Supporting human rights-based development in the context of industrial mining in Guinea (2015)
Download the practical guide in PDF
Supporting human rights-based development in the context of industrial mining in Guinea (Abridged version) [2015]
Download the abridged practical guide in PDF
Action pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme (ADDH) Mineral extration in Kolwezi (2016)
Download the report PDF (in French)
Conseil Régional des Organisations Non Gouvernementales de Développement du Kasaï Oriental CRONGD
Summary of the round table on diamond mining in the Great Kasai (2015)
Download the report in PDF (in French)
Endorois Welfare Council
Presentation: reclaiming rights - the Endorois experience (2016)
Download the presentation in PDF
OHCHR / EWC meeting report (2016)
Forest Peoples Programme
Behind the veil: transparency, acces to information and community rights in Cameroon's forestry sector (2016)
International Rivers
Animated Resettlement Guide Video for People Affected by Dam Development
African dams rivers and rights - a guide for communities to be impacted by the Inga 3 dam
Dams, rivers and rights: an action guide for communities affected by dams (2013)
Justice pour Tous Asbl
Socio-economic and environmental impacts of industrial mining on local communities in South Kivu (2015)
Download the report in PDF (in French)
Legal Resources Centre (LRC)
Customary Law and the protection of community rights to resources (2014)
Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities (2015)
Submissions on the scope and content of the proposed Treaty on Trans-National Corporations (“TNCs”) [2015]
Submission to the Executive Committe on Development effectivement of the World Bank on the Environmental and Social Framework (2015)
Download the submission in PDF
Community Land Protection Facilitators Guide (2016)
Natural Justice
Balancing the Scales (2017)
Community Protocols Toolbox (2016)
Observatoire de la Société Civile Congolaise pour les Minerais de Paix Rapport Alphamin (2017)
Download the report (in French) in PDF
Communty Consent Index (2015)
A community's right to decide (FPIC)
Strengthening community understanding of free, prior and informed consent trainer’s manual (2014)
Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability (UCCA)
The State of Corporate Accountability in Uganda - A Baseline Study Report for the Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability
Video Advocacy Toolkit
Access the online advocacy toolkit here
Shaping Development Futures (2016)
Zimbabwe Enviornmental Law Association (ZELA)
Mines and amendments amendment bill (2016)
Ms Raya Ahmed Water documentation exercise - NMAP and Witness